The Abbots

“What Kind of man the Abbot Ought to Be
The Abbot, who is worthy to be over a monastery, ought always to be mindful of what he is called, and make his works square with his name of Superior. For he is believed to hold the place of Christ in the monastery, when he is called by his name, according to the saying of the Apostle: “You have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry Abba (Father)” (Rom 8:15). Therefore, the Abbot should never teach, prescribe, or command (which God forbid) anything contrary to the laws of the Lord; but his commands and teaching should be instilled like a leaven of divine justice into the minds of his disciples…..”

The Abbot, from the Hebrew Abba meaning Father, was the head or ruler of the Abbey. He was regarded by the monks to hold the position of Christ within the monastery.



Abbots of KinlossDates
Anselm1151 – 1174
Reinerius1174 – 1188
Radulphus1188 – 1194
Ralph1194 – 1218
Richard1218 – 1241
Herbertus1241 – 1251
Thomas1251 – 1258
Symon1258 – 1269
Richard1269 – 1274
Thomas1274 – 1321
Adam1321 – 1362
Richard1362 – 1371
Adam de Teras1371 – 1401
William Blair L. L. D.1401 – 1430
John Flutere1430 – 1440
John Ellem1440 – 1467
James Guthry1467 – 1482
William Galbraith1482 – 1491
William Culross1491 – 1504
Thomas Chrystall1504 – 1528
Robert Reid1528 – 1553
Walter Reid1553 – 1560